04 agosto 2014

Poesía oscura y epílogo de Chesterton


Solías ser un día especial
repleto de sonrisas cómplices.
Ahora solo eres ceniza.
Todo perdió sentido
transformado en una
broma obscena
que me acecha traidoramente.
Ahora solo eres un día más
colmado de amargura.


Una habitación con vistas de hospital.
Un claroscuro de Salinas.
Color del alma negro noche.
Y la certeza de que un árbol
crecía fuerte en el pasillo.


There was no disguise about his disguises. He didn't want the old disguise any more, but he wasn't frightened of it; he would have felt it false to destroy the false beard. It would have been like hiding. He was not hiding from God; he was not hiding from himself. (...) He was out of the judgement of this world.
 The man with two beards in The secret of Father Brown, Chesterton

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